Dealing With Haters
Dealing with Haters
Mister_Swinger 46M Primal Predator Las Vegas, Nevada, United States ← view profile
We have been public eye for many years now and have quite the following. We have been flagged down in public from time to time all over the west coast. Couple memorable ones. The bouncer for Privata in Portland recognized us and we were shocked. Like how. He sees hundreds of people each weekend. We don’t frequent Privata but like 1-2 times a year. Probably the coolest public sighting.
Before moving to vegas we were noticed in public 3 times. We traveled 3 times to vegas the year before moving. Once walking through miracle mile we got stopped. Thought we were in trouble for not wearing masks lol. The next day too us to breakfast. Another time in a hotel at one of the casinos. After we got out he messaged us and was like. Wow I can’t believe I ran into you on accident. @Swingers_Wife joined him at the pool the following day.
So those are the highlights of being in the public eye but unfortunately there is the other side. With lovers there is haters. Just how it is. Also it seems they are the same ratio. The more lovers you have the more haters you have.
Swingers wife primarily ignores haters but me it’s much harder. We had people from New Jersey bullying us on twitter so much a couple years ago that we left twitter. There is always some bandwagon haters too. Not sure how they decide to hate on people but they see something and oh yeah those guys must be bad, etc.
This couple from New Jersey never ever met us. Not once not ever. But they stalked us like a parent of a kindergartner walking home from school alone the first time. For months and months. It was so bad followers were getting riled up and commenting. One follower found they had a record for harassment even. That was crazy.
So how to deal with haters. I think I’m still learning the right way. My pet pev is when people defame my. I strive to keep my character in good light. I try to always be a spokesman for ethically non-monogamous people. I want people to want to be around me. As a natural leader it is how I feel reward for the work I put into the community.
Maybe some of you comment ways that maybe I haven’t thought of to deal with haters.
As a kid I was bullied all the time. As an adult it happens but thankfully not as much.
Right now my method is responding to them if or when I see the attacks on my character. Maybe better to ignore them and let them look retarded talking to themselves. What would you respect more. Someone that defended themselves or someone that stood higher than the haters.
Tags: Bully
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